Intergrated Compounds
Intergrated Compounds is a supplier of specialized food chemicals and organic foods which are best suited for food and beverage manufactures who take ‘healthy, nutritional and organic’ as a critical success factor. Our products categories include preservatives, stabilizers, colours, flavours, enzymes salts and seasonings, snacks and savory foods, cereals.
Established and registered in 2018, Intergrated Compounds has modestly grown on the Zimbabwean market and its customer base includes some of the household names in the food industry. Our company also processes grains such as maize meal, sorghum malt, rapoko and millet used in the manufacture of cereals and other nutritional traditional drinks. These are strictly organic products as we strive to serve both the bottom line as well as to offer a product that is healthy and sustainable first for the consumer and to the environment. Our brands are therefore grounded on extensive research and insights in our Zimbabwean markets.